How to Invite all Your Friends on Facebook Page At Once | 2015

Facebook is a great social media platform for sharing and connecting to the world. Normally we create profile but sometime for interacting and connecting a community or for business purpose we need to create Facebook pages, groups or events. Its not easy to build audiences for facebook pages because the difficult task we face is sending invitation to others to join our page.

For example suppose we have 100+ friend then we need to click more that 100 click for every single friends and it may take hours to complete the task.
 So don't worry I am going to explain you about a simple way to invite all your facebook friends on facebook page at once.

Its really easy and best way by just installing a google chrome extenstion in your browser so here we go.....

1- Search for chorme apps in Google search.

2- Click on first link

3- Search for invites for all in Chrome store

4- Click on the link

5- Add extension to your chrome

6- Simply search for your facebook page

7- Click on Invite Friends to like this Page

9- Done! as you can see all friends have been invited

9- Done! as you can see all friends have been invited

That all For now I hope you like this and don't forget to share this. You can also watch it on Youtube
Cheers :)


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